The Future of Children
Rewirement Training

With Phil Moore
Author of The Future of Children

Co-founder of Upland Hills School & Ecological Awareness Centre

Become an Ambassador For the Future of Children

Watch this invitation from Phil Moore

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About Being an Ambassador

Thank you or your desire to spread the word about The Future of Children Rewirement Training, which will focus on three essential themes that have been put into practice for the last 50+ years of Phil Moore’s career in Love-Based education.

As an Ambassador, you will receive:

Earn 20%

For every person you send to the Future of Children Training, you will earn 20% per sale.

Written Emails

We have pre-written emails and social media posts to make your job easy. 


We have banners already made, so you can download and post to your social media. 

“I take great joy in commending Phillip Moore and his Upland Hills Ecological Awareness Center to you. I’m personally convinced of the competence of Moore and his associates, of their integrity and of their realistic commitment to society."
Buckminster Fuller
Philosopher, Futurist & Teacher
“Upland Hills is one of the greatest schools in the world. I've never seen so many turned on kids in my life, in any school setting. Friends, love, learning, care…. These kids are going to grow up to be very different adults. They are hands on, sensory rich…. growing up to be true, deep, wise, interested human beings.”
Jean Houston
One of the Principal Founders of the Human Potential Movement
"This book is graced by a wisdom that is rare and insight that is profound. I can not recommend this book highly enough."
Dr. Shefali
Author Of "The Conscious Parent" & "The Awakened Family"
"Wow... Wow... Wow! The whole concept of the school is based on love. The book is mind blowing!"
Ram Dass
Author of "Be Here Now", Spiritual Teacher
"I was introduced to Phillip Moore on my quest in starting a love-based school. His mentorship has been invaluable in so many ways and I will forever be grateful. Largely because of Phil’s support and guidance, Onward Learning officially opened its doors for our first group of students in September of 2022. Phil has given me not only confidence, but has also provided me with necessary tools to make my dream of creating a love based school become a reality."
Mary Jo Fairhead
Founder of Onward Learning
Walter Reuther with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr moments before the “I have a Dream” speech in Washington, DC, August 28th, 1963
“Years ago, young Willie Rowe shrewdly sang that ‘Upland Hills is a good place to be.' Although he was right, I would change one thing and substitute “great” for “good”. That is because it is difficult to imagine an educational environment better than Upland Hills School for children to learn about themselves, each other, and the world around them.“
Victor Reuther
Attorney of Law, Portland, OR, and Grandson of Walter Reuther

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