The Future of Children
12- Month Mentorship

With Phil Moore
Author of The Future of Children

Co-founder of Upland Hills School & Ecological Awareness Centre

Watch Invitation Video

BEGINS ON MAY 8th, 2023

12-Month Mentorship for Love-Based Leaders

Are you interested in transforming the education paradigm, becoming a Love-Based leader or launching a new paradigm school in your community? By the end of this 12-month mentorship training with Phil Moore (author of The Future of Children), you will have the tools, knowledge and support to bring your love-based initiative to life.

The Core Purpose

The Future of Children 12-Month Mentorship will guide you to bring your Love-Based School or Initiatives to life.


In our 12-months together, you will build a love-based initiative; such as a school or child-focused education project.


You will be mentored by Phil Moore and your fellow peers to learn, improve your ideas and grow your initiative – faster.


By being transformed through the process, you will create an initiative that can truly transform the world.

“I take great joy in commending Phillip Moore and his Upland Hills Ecological Awareness Center to you. I’m personally convinced of the competence of Moore and his associates, of their integrity and of their realistic commitment to society."
Buckminster Fuller
Philosopher, Futurist & Teacher

Love is the Answer

The children who are being born today deserve schools that nourish their unique gifts. 

Currently, children are being fed a diet of toxic information, in a factory-like setting that is diminishing their light, while feeding their anxiety. 

Teachers are leaving the profession in large numbers because they know the current educational model is failing to nourish & nurture children into higher possibilities of being and becoming. 

Play the Infinite Game

When inspired and empowered teachers are given the ability to create innovative, comprehensive curriculum, based on passion, play and place – children flourish. 

A Love-Based Education begins as soon as the child is seen, heard, honoured and cherished. 

Our initiatives have contributed to creating new kinds of human beings. People who love to cooperate, collaborate, contribute and communicate their love for the natural world and for life in general. 


"This book is graced by a wisdom that is rare and insight that is profound. I can not recommend this book highly enough."
Dr. Shefali
Author Of "The Conscious Parent" & "The Awakened Family"
“Upland Hills is one of the greatest schools in the world. I've never seen so many turned on kids in my life, in any school setting. Friends, love, learning, care…. These kids are going to grow up to be very different adults. They are hands on, sensory rich…. growing up to be true, deep, wise, interested human beings.”
Jean Houston
One of the Principal Founders of the Human Potential Movement

Monthly Rhythm for Mentorship Program

See below for all the ways you will be supported by Phil Moore and this beautiful community of love-based leaders! 

Session ONE

1-1 Coaching with Phil Moore

Every month you will get the opportunity to meet with Phil 1-1, to receive coaching support around your vision. This is where you’ll dig in deep and walk away feeling inspired – with the practical next steps to take action over the month to come.

Session TWO

Monthly Milestone Days

Every month you will get the opportunity to meet with Phil 1-1, to receive coaching support around your vision. This is where you’ll dig in deep and walk away feeling inspired – with the practical next steps to take action over the month to come.

Session THREE

Monthly Showcase Interviews

With a lifetime of love-based leadership under his belt, Phil has made friends with some interesting and profound people. Each month, Phil will bring one of these guests into the spotlight to teach & inspire, with relevant lessons that will move your mission forward.

Session Four

Monthly Ask Phil Anything Session

As your journey unfolds, it is certain that questions will come up. You will have the opportunity to ask Phil your questions and receive laser focused coaching during your community AMA’s with Phil and the other mentees. 

Session FIVE

Guest Sessions

Each month, Phil will invite experts to host a session on a topic of greatest interest to the group, such as crowdfunding, community building, marketing and more. 

Session Six

Accountability Pod Pairings

Each participant will be placed into a small “Pod” or accountability group, where you will meet regularly to support one-another, brainstorm around ideas and ensure everybody is staying on track with their goals, visions and mission.

Session SEVEN

Deep Dives (occasional)

In longer months, on the 5th Tuesday of the month, Phil will prepare a masterclass on the topics he feels will be most beneficial to the collective who are participating in the Mentorship program. Recordings & templates will be provided if you can’t make it live. 

Session EIGHT

Community of Loving Leaders

All participants will be a part of an intimate, interconnected, private community space for Love-Based Leaders, where you can all show off your work, ask questions, receive critical feedback, ask for help and be inspired by the work of each other. 

Register Today!

Apply Before May 8th, 2023

12-Month Mentorship


Save $657 by paying up-front. Monthly payment plan available: 12 payments of $888.

You will be asked to submit an onboarding form about your intentions and what support you will be needing after we’ve collected your payment.

Included in Your Training

1-1 Mentorship

12-Months of LIVE 1-1 & group coaching with Phil Moore & your fellow peers.

Peer Support

A community of love-based educators to bounce ideas around with.

Sacred Container

This will be a transformational journey that will help you fully step into your life’s work.

"I was introduced to Phillip Moore on my quest in starting a love-based school. His mentorship has been invaluable in so many ways and I will forever be grateful. Largely because of Phil’s support and guidance, Onward Learning officially opened its doors for our first group of students in September of 2022. Phil has given me not only confidence, but has also provided me with necessary tools to make my dream of creating a love based school become a reality."
Mary Jo Fairhead
Founder of Onward Learning
"Wow... Wow... Wow! The whole concept of the school is based on love. The book is mind blowing!"
Ram Dass
Author of "Be Here Now", Spiritual Teacher
Walter Reuther with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr moments before the “I have a Dream” speech in Washington, DC, August 28th, 1963
“Years ago, young Willie Rowe shrewdly sang that ‘Upland Hills is a good place to be.' Although he was right, I would change one thing and substitute “great” for “good”. That is because it is difficult to imagine an educational environment better than Upland Hills School for children to learn about themselves, each other, and the world around them.“
Victor Reuther
Attorney of Law, Portland, OR, and Grandson of Walter Reuther

Phil Moore

“What counts in life is not the fact that we have lived but the difference we have made to the lives of others, that will determine the significance of the life we lived.“

― Nelson Mandela

In a nutshell, Phil Moore leads with his heart. He puts this extraordinary heart capacity to work by playing the infinite game. A game where there are no losers and winning means oneing.(from me to we).  Where you play with the rules rather than by them. An infinite game player plays to leave an invisible legacy in the hearts and minds of others.This kind of open heart—willing to give and receive, attracts allies and seeds possibilities. For his entire life as a teacher, husband, father,  Granda, mentor, writer and leader, Phil has been an artist of possibilities. This artistry opens doors, forges bonds, spreads inspiration and astonishing learning happens for everyone in his orbit.

Thanks to Phil, the lives of many have been changed from his loving humanity.

Phil has always been driven by his love for children, for his love of the wild and for building and sustaining a learning community. From the age of 23 he was asked to embody and serve a community for more than four decades that grew from over fifty children, to nearly 100. Over half a century later, this learning community is alive, evolving, and serving one foundational goal: To Love Children into Being. This living legacy is shifting entire communities from the dominant paradigm to a new paradigm that is based on love and deep inter-relatedness.

It’s tricky to measure this legacy and impact, yet easy to share some of the tangible ways Phil has shared his heart across the world. A few to mention:

  • His book The Future Of Children grew out of over four decades of direct experience with children who have been educated in a school that was based on love. These children have grown up to be very different kinds of people. Their direct connection to the natural world has influenced them to feel a deep connection with life. 
  • Loved thousands of children and their extended families in ways that helped us navigate challenging and difficult times.
  • Created loving bonds between teachers, parents, neighbors, and friends.
  • Built a campus, over 4 decades, that is currently serving close to 100 students and teachers based on doing more with less, using regenerative non-extracting technologies.
  • Influenced an unknown number of people who attended: workshops, retreats, concerts, tours, films, ceremonies, conferences, and events designed to uplift our spirits and inspire others to become infinite game players.
  • Inspired love-based initiatives, and innovations in education communities across the globe.

Join the Future of Children

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